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		<title>M2Mi Corporation - Events</title>
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		<managingEditor>info@m2mi.com (M2Mi Corporation)</managingEditor>
			<title>M2Mi to speak at 5G Forum event in Palo Alto, USA</title>
			<guid isPermaLink="true">https://www.m2mi.com/resources/events/m2mi-to-speak-at-5g-forum-event-in-palo-alto-usa</guid>
			<description><![CDATA[<p>NASA Research Park, Moffett Field, CA – 11th April 2016 – Machine-to-Machine Intelligence (M2Mi) Corporation today announced that Geoff Brown from M2Mi and inventor of the 5G telecommunications protocol will be speaking at the 5G Forum in Palo Alto, California on the 12-13th April 2016 (<a href="https://5gforumusa.com">5G Forum</a>).</p>
<p><strong>About Machine-to-Machine Intelligence (M2Mi) Corporation</strong><br />Machine-to-Machine Intelligence (M2Mi) Corporation delivers M2M Intelligence® the essential platform for the M2M &amp; Internet of Things economy. M2Mi reduces the complexity of connecting, provisioning, automating and monetizing M2M services, as well as securely integrating edge devices through network providers to the cloud data center, thus addressing requirements for both critical cyber-physical infrastructure protection and secure information exchange. Machine-to-Machine Intelligence (M2Mi) Corporation is headquartered at NASA Research Park, Silicon Valley.</p>]]></description>
			<author>william.bathurst@m2mi.com (William Bathurst)</author>
			<pubDate>Thu, 14 Apr 2016 04:08:42 +0000</pubDate>
			<title>M2Mi to Speak at RICON 2015</title>
			<guid isPermaLink="true">https://www.m2mi.com/resources/events/m2mi-s-coo-sarah-cooper-to-speak-at-ricon-2015-ricon-2015-the-world-s-largest-distributed-systems-conference</guid>
			<description><![CDATA[<b><strong>NASA Research Park, Moffett Field, CA – November 1, 2015</strong></b> – M2Mi, the essential IoT platform for the connected economy, today announced that Sarah Cooper has been invited to speak at RICON 2015 the world's largest distributed computing conference set to take place November 4-6, 2015 at the Westin St. Francis in San Francisco.

Dr. Sarah Cooper, COO at M2Mi, will be discussing the ins and outs of implementing distributed analytics and security in a context-driven IoT platform. She will also discuss the challenges of platform compose-ability in IoT distributed systems.

The Internet was not designed to support 50 Billion devices fanning-in Brontobytes of mostly low value updates. And yet every major vendor, analyst and grandmother will tell you that the Internet of Things (IoT) is on the cusp of doing just that. Smart organizations are optimizing traffic, delivering insights and enforcing security closer to the devices critical to their business with distributed IoT Platforms. Distributing insight and security in IoT has several unique challenges from identifying node device shadows to maintaining decision context to the resource limitations of many edge devices. We'll examine how to address these challenges with compose-able nodes, context priority and audit-able IoT framework components.
			<author>wbathurs@gmail.com (Support)</author>
			<pubDate>Tue, 03 Nov 2015 00:39:52 +0000</pubDate>
			<title>M2Mi to discuss M2M and Internet of Things Evolution at the 5G Forum USA Conference</title>
			<guid isPermaLink="true">https://www.m2mi.com/resources/events/m2mi-to-discuss-m2m-and-internet-of-things-evolution-at-the-5g-forum-usa-conference</guid>
			<description><![CDATA[<p><strong>NASA Research Park, Moffett Field, CA – 12th April 2015</strong> – Machine-To-Machine Intelligence (M2Mi) Corporation announced today that M2Mi will host a panel discussion titled “5G: M2M and Internet of Things Evolution” at the 5G Forum USA Conference in Palo Alto, California at 8AM PST on April 15th, 2015.</p>
<p><a href="http://5gforumusa.com/speaker/geoff-brown/" rel="alternate">Geoff Brown, Founder and CEO of M2Mi, will lead this informative and technical session</a> that will discuss the impact of 5G technologies on M2M and IoT communications, security and business models. Geoff Brown has been deeply involved in telecommunications, scalable enterprise software and M2M &amp; IoT technologies for a large part of his career and is also recognized as a founder of the 5G telecommunications environment.</p>
<p>M2Mi provides <a href="http://www.m2mi.com/m2m-iot-platform" rel="alternate">M2M Intelligence®, an award winning M2M &amp; IoT platform </a>that enables organizations to globally connect, manage, secure and perform in-stream analysis to quickly monetize their connected assets. M2Mi is the winner of the 2015 IoT/M2M innovation World Cup award in the security category, 2014 M2M Evolution excellence award and is also recognized as a 2014 Gartner "Cool Vendor" for Managing IT/OT in a Digital Business. It is a member of the Industrial Internet Consortium as well as the IoT World Forum Steering Committee.</p>
<p><strong>About Machine-to-Machine Intelligence (M2Mi) Corporation</strong><br /> Machine-to-Machine Intelligence (M2Mi) Corporation delivers M2M Intelligence®; the essential platform for the M2M &amp; Internet of Things economy. M2Mi reduces the complexity of connecting, managing and securing global M2M services, while enabling in-stream analytics to generate insight in order to monetize an organization’s connected assets. Machine-to-Machine Intelligence (M2Mi) Corporation is headquartered at NASA Research Park, Silicon Valley.</p>]]></description>
			<author>wbathurs@gmail.com (Support)</author>
			<pubDate>Sun, 12 Apr 2015 17:11:00 +0000</pubDate>
			<title>M2Mi to discuss M2M and IoT Protocols at the 2015 Eclipse IoT Conference</title>
			<guid isPermaLink="true">https://www.m2mi.com/resources/events/m2mi-to-discuss-m2m-and-iot-protocols-at-the-2015-eclipse-iot-conference</guid>
			<description><![CDATA[<p><strong>NASA Research Park, Moffett Field, CA – 2nd March 2015</strong> – Machine-To-Machine Intelligence (M2Mi) Corporation announced today that Geoff Brown, CEO and Founder of M2Mi, will compare a number of popular M2M and IoT messaging and communication protocols at the IoT track during the <a href="https://www.eclipsecon.org/na2015/">2015 EclipseCon IoT Conference</a> in San Francisco on the 11th of March.<img style="margin: 5px; float: right;" src="https://www.m2mi.com/images/promotions/eclipse-iot.png" alt="eclipse iot" /></p>
<p>Geoff Brown will present a session titled “<a href="https://www.eclipsecon.org/na2015/session/iot-lightning-talks" target="_blank">M2M &amp; IoT: MQTT, ALLJOYN, DDS, and COAP: Why, Where, and When</a>” at 5pm, Wednesday, 11th March, at the Harbor AB room Hyatt San Francisco Airport. The diverse collection of M2M and IoT messaging and communication protocols available today cause support, adoption and resource prioritization challenges for device manufacturers, developers, enterprises as well as technology providers. Geoff will discuss protocols such as MQTT, ALLJOYN, DDS, and COAP providing insight on interoperability challenges, ability to scale, security and privacy implications in order to better understand the optimal environment to use each one.</p>
<p>Geoff has deep expertise in communication standards and is the <a href="https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/mqtt/" target="_blank">co-founder and secretary of the OASIS MQTT standards group</a> as well as the chair of its security sub-committee.</p>
			<author>wbathurs@gmail.com (Support)</author>
			<pubDate>Tue, 03 Mar 2015 08:42:42 +0000</pubDate>
			<title>M2Mi Executives to Present on M2M, IoT, Cybersecurity and Privacy at IBM InterConnect 2015 Conference</title>
			<guid isPermaLink="true">https://www.m2mi.com/resources/events/m2mi-executives-to-present-on-m2m-iot-cybersecurity-and-privacy-at-ibm-interconnect-2015-conference</guid>
			<description><![CDATA[<p><strong>NASA Research Park, Moffett Field, CA – 20th February 2015</strong> – Machine-To-Machine Intelligence (M2Mi) Corporation announced today that M2Mi executives will present on multiple M2M and Internet of Things (IoT) sessions at the <a href="https://www.ibm.com/cloud-computing/us/en/interconnect/">IBM InterConnect 2015 Conference</a>, February 22nd – 26th at the MGM Grand and Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas. Geoff Brown, CEO and Founder of M2Mi, will discuss advanced cybersecurity as part of the popular MQTT standard and Sarah Cooper, VP of Business Development will co-present a case study on better resource utilization in the agribusiness industry as well as participate in an IoT influencer panel.</p>
<p>Geoff Brown’s highly voted for session is titled <a href="https://www.ibm.com/cloud-computing/us/en/interconnect/devat/">“<em>M2M &amp; IoT: Advanced Cyber Security and Privacy with MQTT</em>” at 10am Tuesday, #320 MGM Grand at the dev@ developer event</a>. He will discuss challenges inherent in delivering powerful and transparent Cyber Security and Privacy as well as compare and contrast approaches using M2M and IoT Platforms. This developer focused discussion will look at how MQTT can be utilized as a more secure communications and messaging environment for connected applications. The discussion will also look at new cryptographic models that can better address the scale, size and performance requirements of the M2M and IoT ecosystem.</p>
<p>Sarah Cooper will discuss a case study on better water and energy management for improved crop yields in a session titled “<a href="https://www-950.ibm.com/events/global/interconnect/sessions/"><em>How Agralogics and M2Mi Drive Efficient Resource Utilization in the IoT Agribusiness Ecosystem</em></a>” at 3.30pm, February 24th, South Pacific Ballroom, Mandalay Bay. This session, co-presented with Agralogics, will look at how M2Mi’s M2M and IoT platform with connectivity, cybersecurity and in-stream analytics, in combination with Agralogics agritech collaboration platform, provides the critical business decisions that optimize farm resource utilization while improving crop yields. Sarah Cooper will also participate in an influencer panel with M2M and IoT industry experts in a discussion titled “<a href="https://www-950.ibm.com/events/global/interconnect/sessions/"><em>Internet of Things: Overhyped or Appropriately Ballyhooed?</em></a>” at 3pm, February 23rd, Cloud Theater Expo, Mandalay Bay.</p>
			<author>wbathurs@gmail.com (Support)</author>
			<pubDate>Sun, 22 Feb 2015 01:44:23 +0000</pubDate>